Cloth Diapers - made in EU. Beautiful designs, best prices and so easy to use!
Many people still have doubts about using reusable diapers. In this article, we will address the most common concerns related to the use of cloth diapers.
Pull ups are probably the most delicate cloth-diapering system
No snaps or elastics, great comfort for a child and perfect leak-proof system.
Not all kids stop using diapers at the age of 2 so if you want to continue with cloth, this is the age when you should swich to bigger diapers. What diapers to choose for a toddler?
Confusion - this feeling often accompanies people exploring the topic of reusable diapers. Why? Many people perceive reusable diapers the way our grandmothers or mothers told us about them: piles of flat terry diapers plus a waterproof oilcloth. However, when we start to explore the topic of reusable diapers, it turns out that the assortment is much larger than just flats. The range of diapers is huge. Let's look for the answer to the question: reusable diapers - which one to choose?
What is it like to cloth-diaper a newborn? How does it work for our family?